Skin of the face and neck lose elasticity as one ages. Underlying muscles also lose tone. This is magnified through sun exposure, weight gain or loss, gravity and stress. These factors may act together and accentuate the appearance of wrinkles, creating a tired look. A facelift-necklift helps improve the most visible signs of aging through removal and redistributing excess fatty deposits, tightening underlying muscles and removing sagging skin. The standard facelift addresses the lower 1/3 of the face and the upper neck.
Face Lifts are usually performed in an accredited office facility, outpatient surgical facility or in the hospital. They may be performed under local anesthesia with or without oral sedation, conscious sedation, and general anesthesia.
The surgeon usually makes incisions in front and behind the ear. This should be discussed with your surgeon. Sutures and/or staples are used for closure followed by placement of elastic dressing around the face and neck. The face lift surgery help people with sharper and better defined jaw line, Improved neck and chin angle, Less tired look with more youthful appearance and lot more. This does not treat the lines around the mouth and will not improve skin surface defects and discoloration. If you feel worried or frustrated of finding best health network available in market for face-lift surgery, then online health network would be the place you have to check out. The is one of the best health networks available in market that offers quality and reliable face-lift treatments for users. Dr. Qaqish is a preferred provider of most cosmetic surgery procedures in the Escondido & San Diego County areas. If you were looking to get more information and suggestion on face lift san diego, please check out the above link or the online site.