Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Decoding Device issue Dilemmas: Navigating Apple Support Like a Pro!

In the complicated web of technology, the occasional glitch or abnormal behavior of our cherished Apple devices can throw us into a state of perplexity. Fret not! This blog post is your guide through the maze of doubts and uncertainties, unraveling the process of connecting with Apple Support, demystifying the Mobile Resource Inspector (MRI), and determining when it's time for a visit to the service center.

First Line of Defense: Reaching Out to Apple Support
  • Navigating the Support Channels: Owning an Apple device is like having a digital sidekick, but what happens when it starts acting up? The first port of call is the Apple Support team. Whether it's the trusty iPhone, iPad, MacBook, AirPods, or the ever-dependable Apple Watch, a simple phone call or a checking out the Apple Support app initiates the troubleshooting journey.
  • Diagnostic Maestros: Apple's Technical Support Team - Once you've made the call or checked out the apple support app, you're not alone in the digital wilderness. Apple's technical support team, armed with expertise, is ready to decipher the cryptic signals your device is sending. They utilize the Mobile Resource Inspector (MRI) – a diagnostic tool that operates like a digital Sherlock Holmes, uncovering the mysteries of malfunction.
Decoding Device issue Dilemmas: Navigating Apple Support Like a Pro!
Apple Device Diagnostics: Unveiling the Mobile Resource Inspector (MRI)
  • A Peek into the MRI Process: Now, let's dive into the fascinating world of MRI. It's not a medical device but a digital detective that remotely probes your Apple device, seeking out the hidden culprits behind abnormal behavior. Think of it as a check-up for your gadget, but instead of a stethoscope, it uses virtual probes to identify glitches and malfunctions.
  • Remote Resolution vs. Service Center Visit - Once the MRI has completed its virtual investigation, the support team will guide you. If the issue can be remedied remotely, consider it a win – you've bypassed the need for a physical visit. However, if the ailment requires more hands-on attention, they'll suggest a trip to the Apple service center.
Service Center and Beyond: Knowing When to Visit
  • Battery Woes, Manufacturing Defects, and Accidental Repairs - Apple service center is the bastion of hands-on solutions. But when is it time to make that pilgrimage? If you're grappling with battery issues, suspect a manufacturing defect, or your device requires accidental repairs, it's a clear sign to pack your device and head to the service center.
  • Cautionary Note on Self-Repairs - In the age of online tutorials and DIY enthusiasts, the temptation to fix your Apple device at home might be strong. However, Apple, with its intricately designed devices, advises caution. Attempting self-repairs can lead to more woes than wins, turning a minor glitch into a major catastrophe.
  • Last Resort: When Self-Repairs Lead to Service Center Doors - If, despite the cautionary tale, you've ventured into the realm of self-repairs and found yourself knee-deep in digital chaos, fear not. The Apple service center is your beacon of hope. They specialize in fixing not only what ails your device but also the unintended consequences of well-intentioned DIY endeavors.
In the dynamic world of Apple devices, glitches and malfunctions are the occasional bumps in the digital road. Knowing how to navigate the labyrinth of support channels, leverage the Apple support app leveraged with diagnostic prowess of MRI, and discern when a service center visit is essential empowers you as a savvy device owner.So, the next time your iPhone, iPad, MacBook, AirPods, or Apple Watch seems to have a mind of its own, fear not. Armed with the knowledge from this guide, you can confidently face the quirks and ensure your beloved devices continue to be your trusty digital companions.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Apple's Missing Piece: Battery Management in a Fast-Charging World

In the fast-paced world of technology, the battle is not just about who has the best features, but also who can make those features last. Apple, known for its innovation, lags behind Android in the crucial realms of battery management and fast charging. In this blog post, we'll delve into why Apple should adopt Android's battery management strategies to keep its users satisfied.

Apple vs. Android: A Charged Battle
  • Android Advantage: Let's face it, Android has been setting the gold standard in battery management and fast charging. While Android users revel in quick top-offs and longer-lasting batteries, Apple users can't help but feel the difference.
  • Apple's Struggle with Battery Degradation: Apple devices, while leading in numerous aspects, continue to grapple with battery degradation issues. Many users find themselves replacing their devices prematurely due to battery failures. A closer look at Android's approach could be the game-changer Apple needs.
  • Silent Shift: There's been a quiet shift in the tech world, where battery life is no longer a luxury but a necessity. The Android ecosystem has embraced this wholeheartedly, while Apple seems to be dragging its feet.
Apple's Missing Piece: Battery Management in a Fast-Charging World
Swift Charge, Swift Drain
  • Android's Fast-Charging Solutions: Android users often enjoy the benefits of fast charging without experiencing significant battery degradation. These devices incorporate charging systems that efficiently manage power intake, reducing wear and tear on batteries.
  • Apple's Cautious Approach: In contrast, Apple's approach to fast charging has been conservative. While it prioritizes battery health, it can leave users longing for a quicker top-up. Android's balance between speed and longevity is an aspect Apple should consider integrating.
Road to Harmony
  • Why Apple Needs to Adapt: As the tech world charges forward, Apple's lag in battery management and fast charging solutions could leave it out of the race. It's not just about keeping up but also delivering a seamless user experience.
  • Finding the Apple-Android Middle Ground: While Apple has prioritized battery health, it's time to bridge the gap between their approach and Android's solutions. Embracing Android's energy-efficient strategies without sacrificing battery life is the way forward.
Conclusion: Charging into the Future
Apple's innovation has led it to new heights, but in the race to provide a holistic user experience, battery management and fast charging are two critical facets that deserve attention. Emulating Android's strategies in these areas doesn't mean compromising on quality; it's about evolving to meet the demands of today's tech-savvy users. With a fresh focus on both battery longevity and fast charging, Apple can charge into the future with renewed vigor, keeping its users satisfied and always ahead of the curve.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Aging Laptops and the Need for a Lite Operating System

Aging Laptops and the Need for a Lite Operating System
In today's fast-paced technological world, laptops have become an integral part of our daily lives. They serve as our portable workstations, entertainment hubs, and communication tools. However, unlike mobile phones that are frequently upgraded, laptops tend to age out slower due to their higher cost and longer lifespan. As a result, many users face challenges with the performance, compatibility, and security of their aging laptops and their operating systems. To address these issues, Microsoft and Apple should consider launching a lite version of their operating systems specifically designed for aging laptops, with limited features and support for basic software applications.

Challenges of Aging Laptops and Their Operating Systems
As laptops age, their hardware components and operating systems may not keep up with the demands of modern software and applications. Older laptops may struggle with slow performance, software incompatibilities, and security vulnerabilities. Operating systems that were once supported with regular updates and patches may no longer receive adequate support, leaving users at risk of security threats and compromising their overall user experience. This can lead to frustration and decreased productivity for laptop users who rely on their devices for work, communication, and entertainment.

Solution: Launch of Lite Version OS for Laptops
To address the challenges faced by aging laptops, Microsoft and Apple can consider launching a lite version of their operating systems. This lite version would be specifically designed for older laptops and would offer limited features and support for basic software applications. The lite version OS would be optimized for resource utilization, focusing on performance, compatibility, and security, tailored to the capabilities of aging hardware.

Benefits of Lite Version OS for Aging Laptops
The introduction of a lite version OS for aging laptops can bring several benefits to users, including:
  • Extended Lifespan of Laptops: By offering a lite version OS that is optimized for aging hardware, Microsoft and Apple can extend the lifespan of laptops that may not be capable of running the latest full-featured operating systems. This would allow users to continue using their laptops for a longer duration without having to invest in new hardware, reducing electronic waste and promoting sustainability.
  • Better Performance and Compatibility: The lite version OS would be optimized for resource utilization, resulting in improved performance and better compatibility with software applications. This would enable users to run basic software applications smoothly on their aging laptops, ensuring a seamless and productive user experience.
  • Enhanced Security and User Experience: With regular updates and patches, the lite version OS would provide enhanced security measures to protect aging laptops from security threats. This would ensure that users can continue to use their laptops without worrying about security vulnerabilities that may exist in older operating systems. Additionally, a lite version OS with a simplified user interface would offer a user-friendly experience, catering to the needs of older laptops users who may not be familiar with complex operating systems.
  • Cost Considerations: The cost considerations of upgrading to a new laptop can be a significant factor for many users. Purchasing a new laptop can be a substantial investment, especially if the existing laptop still meets basic needs but struggles with performance and compatibility due to an outdated operating system. Launching a lite version OS specifically for aging laptops can provide a cost-effective solution for users to extend the lifespan of their laptops without the need for expensive hardware upgrades.
How Microsoft and Apple can Implement Lite Version OS
Microsoft and Apple can implement a lite version OS for aging laptops by considering the following approaches:
  • Limited Features and Support for Basic Software Applications: The lite version OS should be designed to cater to the basic needs of users, offering essential features and support for basic software applications such as web browsing, email, document editing, and multimedia playback. Unnecessary features that may require higher system requirements can be omitted to optimize resource utilization and performance on aging hardware.
  • Simplified User Interface and Resource Optimization: The user interface of the lite version OS can be simplified to ensure ease of use for older laptop users who may not be familiar with complex operating systems. Resource optimization techniques, such as reducing background processes and unnecessary animations, can be implemented to minimize resource usage and enhance performance on aging hardware.
  • Potential Impact on the Laptop Market and User Adoption: The launch of a lite version OS for aging laptops can have a significant impact on the laptop market and user adoption. Many users who are hesitant to invest in new laptops due to cost considerations or environmental concerns may find the option of a lite version OS appealing. This can potentially lead to increased user adoption and extended lifespan of laptops, reducing electronic waste and promoting sustainability.
Moreover, the introduction of a lite version OS can also benefit users in developing countries or regions with limited access to high-end hardware. It can provide an affordable option for users to utilize their aging laptops and continue to meet their basic computing needs without the need for costly hardware upgrades.

My View: Embracing Lite Version OS for Aging Laptops
As laptops tend to age out slower and are often more expensive compared to mobile phones, the launch of a lite version OS by Microsoft and Apple can be a viable solution to extend the lifespan of aging laptops. By offering limited features and support for basic software applications, optimized performance, and enhanced security, a lite version OS can provide a cost-effective and sustainable option for users to continue using their aging laptops. This can contribute to reducing electronic waste, promoting sustainability, and catering to the needs of laptop users who may not require high-end hardware for their basic computing needs. There's more where this came from! Explore "G R Team Sites" for additional content on various topics.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

TRAI's DND App Still Unavailable on Apple's App Store - What's Going On?

TRAI's DND App Still Unavailable on Apple's App Store - What's Going On?
In the present era, where we are persistently inundated with unsolicited phone calls and messages, a dependable DND (Do Not Disturb) application is an essential requirement. That's why the TRAI DND app was a game-changer when it was first launched. However, the application was not functioning properly and noticeably slow/unresponsive during the end. Only after few news coverage that it was evident that the application was removed from Apple’s app store due to non-compliance and lack application updates to support latest version of iOS. 

It is astonishing that such a critical application has been inaccessible for an extended period without any apparent clarification from TRAI. The impact of the app's absence was largely felt, as the app had the functionality to report spam calls and messages. With the unavailability of the app, it has become very complicated to report calls and messages and the number of spam calls/SMS has also considerably increased. 

Has TRAI abandoned the app? Is it still being worked on? It's frustrating to be left in the dark about something as important as a DND app that we all rely on.

In conclusion, it's time for TRAI to provide some clarity on the status of the DND app. Whether it's developing a newer version of the app, addressing technical difficulties, or just discontinuing the application, consumers should be informed of the situation. Without any updates, it's hard to remain confident in the app's usefulness and effectiveness. Let's hope that TRAI will address this issue soon and restore the DND app to its rightful place on the App Store.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Impending Limitations of Google Photos Cloud Storage

 Impending Limitations of Google Photos Cloud Storage

Google Photos has been a popular destination for millions of users who want to store and manage their photos in the cloud. However, earlier Google promised to offer unlimited storage for high-quality photos and videos, making it a convenient and cost-effective solution for users who want to store their memories

The switch to counting storage for photos uploaded to Google Photos has come as a surprise to many users including me, who rely on Google Photos for photo storage needs. Unlimited Photo storage with additional 15GB of storage for Google drive seemed like a generous offer. But Google made announcement that photos stored on its cloud will account against its 15GB FREE storage plan, that may not be enough for all to meet their needs. This will require users to purchase additional storage plans, which can get quite expensive over time, especially for those who had vast old photo collection and need a lot of storage for their current device. Google's potential move is not without reason, as the company aims to reduce storage costs and improve the efficiency of its data centers However, it's important to consider the impact this will have on users who rely primarily on Google Photos for their photo storage needs 

The decision to limit storage to just 15 GB from Google will force users to purchase additional storage plans for users and overtime they may be forced to look for alternative external cloud storage partner for their storage needs. It is important for Google to re-consider user needs and find a way to balance storage costs with user needs. Please feel free to check out “G R Team Sites” for more such insights and suggestions.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Comparison between next generation Chromecast and smart android box

Comparison between next generation Chromecast and smart android box
I have been using first generation Chromecast for past several years and the device has been serving my needs and I was able to cast from all my mobile and laptop devices. However, in recent times I could feel the lag in the old streaming device and was not able to stream high-definition (HD) or live videos. So, I was looking to buy next generation Chromecast streaming device for my TV and was shocked to learn about its disadvantages. Following are my concerns on getting the next or latest generation of the Chromecast streaming device: 
  • High cost: The most important factor that was bothering me while looking out options to get the next generation Chromecast device was the cost and to my surprise, the device cost was completely exorbitant with no justifications on the new or unique features that was being offered and made me to look out for alternate affordable streaming devices available in the cost. 
  • Manual change between DTH TV and casting: Another important factor that was bothering me while looking at the latest generation of the Chromecast streaming device was the lack of support for the DTH connection and to switch over to the live watching experience of the TV, it must be done manually each time. This lack of support to the DTH streaming was showstopper to me and was complete let off from the shopping list. 
From the above reasons, it was evident that it was not making sense for me to shop for latest generation Chromecast streaming and was completely knocked out from my shopping list. For more such articles or information from my experience, please feel free to check out the articles published in “G R Team Sites”

Friday, October 7, 2022

Future iPads with wireless charging and Mag-safe support

 Future iPads with wireless charging and Mag-safe support

With the introduction of Mag-safe charging capabilities with universal compatibility to Qi wireless chargers for iPhone and AirPods, Apple is slowly transitioning to wireless charging for future devices. On this line, Apple may soon bring in wireless charging capabilities to its iPad lineups and there are few reasons on why Apple might adopt. Following are my reasons on bringing in wireless charging capabilities for iPad
  • Universal compatibility: Most important component of bringing in wireless charging to iPad was to enable universal compatibility across all handheld devices in Apple ecosystem and enable file transfers through Mag-safe technology. By bringing in wireless capabilities to iPad, Apple could bring in new accessories and reverse transfer capabilities through technology advancements 
  • May drop accessories support for cost reduction: One another major component for bringing in wireless charging capabilities is to reduce the e-waste and the cost associated with provided cables on each iPad devices. By transitioning to wireless charging, Apple could soon stop providing even cables in their packaging and may offer exclusive discounts for getting Apple patented Mag-safe chargers.
Above are few expectations from my end on why Apple might bring in wireless charging capabilities to iPad and how transitioning to Mag-safe could be the next big thing. For more such articles or information, please feel free to check out the “G R Team Sites”

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Disappointing AirPods Pro 2 launch in 2022

Disappointing AirPods Pro 2 launch in 2022

With reference to recent September event from Apple, the most awaited product from the enthusiasts was for the upgraded AirPods Pro 2 and its stand-out features. However, to everyone’s surprise Apple has launched the second generation of AirPods with the same design from first generation and has few more disappointments. My major concerns or disappointment on the launch for AirPods Pro 2 was as follows
  • Lack of lossless support or new audio formats: Even though Apple has mentioned that they are launching the 2nd generation of AirPods Pro with H2 Chip, there was not a single mention of support to Lossless audio format and there is major update on whether the new device would boost sound quality played from Apple Music or from third-party platforms. 
  • Lack of new fitness features as reported by rumors: The rumors were predicting that the 2nd generation AirPods Pro would have in-built sensors that would enhance the health monitoring capabilities and features. Another major disappointment contradicting the rumors prior to the launch was that there was NO introduction of any new health or fitness monitoring and tracking options. 
With above-listed concerns regarding to the 2nd Generation AirPods Pro, it would be wise from people to opt for the first generation AirPods Pro with much less price during the shopping sale and enjoy the same sound quality. To read more such articles, please visit the sites listed in “G R Team Sites”

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Annoying Hey Siri with multiple iPhone & iPad (s)

Annoying Hey Siri with multiple iPhone & iPad (s)

The most sought-after feature for most iPhone users is the experience of Siri and the option to summon Siri for assistance over voice. I personally feel the summoning Siri through “Hey Siri” have been the most frustrating thing, as I have around 5+ apple devices in my family and all have the “Hey Siri” option enabled by default. So, whenever I summon Siri on my iPhone, accidentally the Siri is summoned on my parent’s devices and the actions like reminders or alarms happens at the specific device. Such instances create nuisance for most iPhone users and wanted Apple to enable following options in the upcoming updates. 
  • a. User Voice Specific like Voice ID: While summoning “Hey Siri,” there should have been preference to enable Siri identifies the voice for that device and the Siri option is available only for that specific device(s) integrated into same iCloud. Apple could enable this preference by recording the voice modulation of the user and analyze the voice pattern of the user and enable the Siri available only to that specific user. This automation of voice identification of user can happen only at the device and can also encrypted, so the confidential information is not leaked like Face ID or Touch ID. 
  • b. Yes or no authentication: With introduction of Air Tags, it was evident that Apple could determine whether there are similar or other Apple devices nearby, similarly when “Hey Siri” was summoned it can detect whether there are other Apple devices nearby and can enable authentication for user like “Yes” or “No” mode to further act. 
I also have few more feature suggestion for Apple devices and iPhone’s and for more such articles, please feel free to check out “G R Team Sites”

Monday, August 9, 2021

Bundled Music Services in Microsoft Office 365

As stated in my earlier articles published in G R Team Sites that I have selected Microsoft's office 365 family as my preferred online cloud storage platform and have also enabled OneDrive as preferred photos backup option for all my family members. My preference on Microsoft’s office 365 family plan subscription was the option to enable 6 users to store or upload files with size up to 1TB individually and also enables all 6 users to access and use its office suite of applications. However, with all these rewards, I was still looking forward to Microsoft for introduction of bundled services like music and videos. Just by offering 1TB of online cloud storage and access to office suite of applications, will not hold users to stay long with Microsoft and with Apple having their own TV subscription services with launch of new series and movies every quarter, the competition was fiercer than before. While Microsoft focusing on offering its family office 365 subscription plan as more of storage option and office applications will not impress most common users across globe. Microsoft should revamp their strategy on Office 365 family plan and introduce new benefits like bundled music and movie subscription services to make users turnaround for its subscriptions and be market leader in online subscription services. To read more such articles or opinion from my end, please feel free to check out the articles published in G R Team Sites.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Issues with Office 365 and OneDrive online cloud storage  

So, after long thought I have opted OneDrive as my preferred online cloud storage platform. I was excited by opting for OneDrive as preferred online cloud storage for two reasons, one for exclusive access to office applications and other was large online cloud storage choice. However, after using it for past couple of months following are the few constraints that I encountered while using it. 
  • Cloud Storage with no option to device backup: Even though OneDrive offers large storage plan, it does not provide option to backup entire mobile device or entire system in MAC devices. Additionally, OneDrive does not allow users to select specific folders or files in MAC operating system. 
  • Office files Locking and collaboration: OneDrive cloud storage also offers exclusive access to office suite of applications and enables users to share license with 6 users. However, the office suite of apps does not allow users to lock and collaborate the office files. 
Hope Microsoft addresses above issues at the earliest, so users have the option to select their desired files/folders to synchronize with online cloud and allows users to lock confidential files and collaborate with assigned users with password protection. To explore more such articles, please feel free to check out the articles published in G R Team Sites.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Online cloud storage (iCloud vs Onedrive vs Google drive) option comparison

For a long time, I was thinking about moving towards affordable online cloud storage option and I think, this topic would have been common among most users who were using Google photos as their online cloud storage option. With Google photos transitioning itself into paid online cloud platform, the decision was now left with users to decide on affordable and most trusted online cloud storage option. To clear most users doubts, I have detailed below table to help them find most affordable online cloud storage options available. 


Apple iCloud

Google Drive

Microsoft One Drive

Number of users

6 users

6 users

6 Users





Affordable storage option

₹ 365.00

₹ 210.00

₹ 619.00

Yearly Cost

₹ 4380.00

₹ 2100.00

₹ 6199.00

Per Month Cost

₹ 365.00

₹ 175.00

₹ 516.58

Apple Music

₹ 99.00




Apple Music

Google Photos

Office Apps

Per GB Cost




Please note, I have considered Indian currency as the base, as the cloud stores providers offer moist affordable options to Indian users and this comparison is applicable to users across globe. To get more such analysis, please feel free to check out the posts published in G R Team Sites.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Oscillation about what phone should I buy next?

As I have been using my wife’s android phone for the past few months and was expecting to get the latest version of the iPhone. However, all my plans were completely shattered by Apple’s decision to launch a smaller version of the iPhone at the same price as the previous year’s iPhone version. This launch of a new iPhone mini at the same price as the previous year’s iPhone has spoiled my hopes of getting the latest version of iPhone 12. My budget was too low, compared to the pricing of iPhone 12, and again I was forced to use my wife’s android phone for some more time. While I was waiting to get the latest version of the iPhone at an affordable price, promotional offers were coming up in online shopping portals and even earlier generation iPhone was listed for heavy discounts. With the latest version of the iPhone 12 being expensive compared to my budget, I had the option of getting an earlier version of the iPhone 11 at a more affordable price under my budget or wait for a few more months for the price drop on the latest iPhone 12 version. As with each passing day, the pressure of using an android phone was getting onto me and I must make a new decision as early as possible. To know more about my decision on getting a new iPhone, please feel free to check out the blog posts in “G R Team Sites”

Sunday, January 5, 2020

All new requirements from onsite team

The on-site call was scheduled later in the day and till that time I was asked worked on some information shared by my manager and the delivery person. Patiently I was working on the iterations till the last minute before the call and was hoping that whatever changes were suggested by my manager and delivery would be thrown out by the on-site team. The call started and I was driving the call, I was detailing about the slide flow and also about the slides I have included based on my understanding of the client requirements. The onsite team was acknowledging the slides, but onsite team was detailing new requirements all together and they want all the slides to be completed in next 2 days. Entire offshore team was taken aback with all new requirements from onsite and was hoping it will be finalised requirement from client. So, from next day we started to work again from scratch with new requirements detailed and I was doing some research to get the required inputs for the slides. However, this effort and attempt with new requirement also went in vain and to know more check out blog posts in “G R Team Sites”

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Exchange hosted on iPhone

In recent times the new technologies have made our work easier and quicker than ever before. If you wish to stay updated with business and office mails on the travel, then iPhone hosted exchange would be the best option. The is one of the stand-alone networks available in market that provides Hosted Exchange solution for iPhone. The iphone, exchange, cortado, allow users quickly to set up and use an Exchange account directly from their iPhone. The iPhone hosted exchange of network provides different features for users that no other competitor could offer you. You could also test the iPhone hosted exchange for free at link.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Optimisation Company Resource

If you wish to promote your business or product in Internet through your website, make sure that you select bet online market company. The website optimization would be the best way to market your website in Internet such that it get high users and indexed by all search engines. There are wide ranges of online marketing or website Optimization Company available in market that provides different search engine optimization services for users. But most online networks out there in the market lack quality of support and are ineffective. So, make sure that you select best online marketing or search engine optimization company to market your website in Internet. Recently I came across interesting online marketing network that provides multitude of services for online marketing known as The is one the high quality network available in market that provides, best search engine optimization services for users. The is a white hat company and have ranked some of the largest keywords up into the competition on Google of up to a half billion pages in top 5 placement. You could also get content writers to promote your business in Internet.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Get Information for Joomla Template

If you are having a blog in Joomla and looking to increase your blog visitors and readers, then make sure that you select best Joomla template available in the web. You may have known wide ranges of online network available in the web that offers Joomla templates for users. But most joomla templates out there in the web lack quality of images and are ineffective. So, make sure that you select free joomla themes from a high quality online network. The is one of the high quality online networks available in the web that provides, best free joomla templates for users. The network does not require any registration or fees to download templates you could just Download Joomla Templates free. The network provides high quality Free Joomla Templates for users that includes different categories such as for shop, online community and a lot more template stuff included. The network offers high quality templates for users that no other competitor in its class could offer you. If you are looking to select high quality joomla template from best online network, then would be the place you have to check out.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Resource for IT Support Companies

If you wish to market or develop your business or product in a better way for recent market trends, then make sure that you select best IT Support Company. You may have known wide ranges of online it support companies available in the market that offers IT support services for consumers. But most online, IT support companies out there in market lack quality of IT service and support offered to consumers. So, make sure that you select best IT Support Company available in the market. The Spirinet Technology Services is one of the high quality online IT support company available in the web that offers best IT support services for consumers. The Spirinet Technology Services offers different services for consumers that includes computer support, it consulting, it outsourcing, helpdesk, data backup, disaster recovery, hosted applications and hosted email, to CIO level consulting, managed services and cost cutting and a lot more stuff included. The Spirinet has been a stand-alone IT support company for small business all over the world and ensures that the clients get, best it support services. The Spirinet Technology Services offers IT support services for consumers at an affordable cost with best customer support and promising service that no other competitor in its class could offer you.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Resource for Work from Home Tasks

There are many ways to earn money and the easier or smarter way would be working from home. You may have known wide ranges of online networks available in market that helps users to earn money by work from home. But most online networks out there in market lack quality of support and service offered to consumers. So, make sure that you select best online network available in Internet that help users to earn money by work from home. Recently I came across interesting online network that helps users in earn money in an easier and smarter way by work from home known as The is one of the high quality online networks available in market that allows users to Work at Home and helps users to earn money in the best way. The Short Task is a service that allows companies and individuals to post various tasks online and then allows workers to do the tasks. The tasks are typically known as short tasks that could be completed in a minimal number of times by workers. The site is good for people who desire to work at home, or have extra time on their hands to do various sorts of work. The site is also really excellent for companies, SEO companies and others needing certain tasks such as link building, online reviews and so forth done. The Short Task network an excellent product that helps companies and individuals seeking to have short tasks done online and also something that helps people make money doing work at home. If you are looking to earn money by doing short task in your home, then would be the place you have to check out. I hope the Short Task Review helps you in the best way to earn money by working at your home.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Resource for Adblade Ad Network

You may have known different online advertising networks available in market that offers online advertising services. But most online advertising networks lack quality of service and support offered to consumers. So, make sure that you select best online advertising network available in the web. Recently I came across interesting network that offers various online advertising services for users known as The Adblade is one of the stand-alone online advertising networks that work only with the premium and branded websites which is smart. So by focusing exclusively on larger premium websites and staying clear of the long tail of Web publishers, Adblade better preserves the value of a premium publishers' ad inventory. In addition, Adblade has pioneered a unique ad unit that blends text with images, generating a click through rate twice that of standard display ads. The Adblade network offer best customer support and promising service that no other competitor in its class could offer you.